2000-2006 Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest - Painter MA
2003-2006 Art history and Visual arts – pedagogic professorship
2004 Le Mans École Superieure des Beaux Arts, Le Mans, France
1999-2000 Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Eger – Visual arts
1993-1999 Ady Endre Art High School, Zalaegerszeg
2024 Heroes, Gazdag Agnes solo show, Random Gallery, Budapest
2024 Spring Fair-Tavaszi Sale, Collab Gallery Budapest
2023 Contemporary Budapest, MissionArt Gallery, Bálna, Budapest,
2023 Christmas Art Fair, Collab Gallery Budapest
2022 Agnes Gazdag solo exhibition: Kaleidoszkóp house, Esztergom,
2022 Frost: Contemporary Art Gallery, Marcali
2022 Nothing here: Becsvölgye
2021 Christmas art fair, Collab Gallery Budapest
2021 18+ Collab Gallery Budapest 2021
2021 The finearthotel exhibiton, 8.01 Gallery
2020 Collab Gallery Budapest, Christmas Art fair, Budapest
2019 Local Open Studio: Exhibition and workshop, Szentendre
2019 Artmessenger: Contemporary Christmas Art Fair, Budapest, Kubik coworking
2019 Advent Art Fair: Rondella Gallery, National Museum, Esztergom
2019 IMPORT: Vértes agorája, Contemporary Art Gallery, Tatabánya
2019 Gazdag Ágnes-Nagy B. István, HUBA Gallery, Budapest
2018 PEACE: Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria
2018 Latarka: Contemporary Xmas Art Fair, Budapest
2018 Young Art for Peace: Városi Galéria Kalocsa
2018 These are animals: Vértes agorája, Contemporary Art Gallery, Tatabánya
2018 Szög: Kisüzem, Budapest
2017 Abu Dhabi ART FAIR, Art Hub, UEA
2017 Contemporary Art Fair, Latarka Gallery, Budapest
2017 Christmas Card: HUBA Gallery, Budapest
2017 Figura Aeterna: Vértes agorája Contemporary Art Gallery, Tatabánya
2016 Contemporary Art fair: Latarka Gallery, Budapest
2016 Jubilee Exhibition: Synagogue Concert and Exhibition Hall, Zalaegerszeg
2016 Advent Art Fair: Rondella Gallery, National Museum, Esztergom Castle
2015 Contemporary Art Fair: Latarka Gallery, Budapest
2015 Tresor Gallery, New Orleans, USA
2015 Advent Art Fair: Rondella Gallery, National Museum, Esztergom Castle
2015 GébArt Retrospective: Gönczi Gallery, Zalaegerszeg
2014 Reanimation: Rondella Gallery, National Museum, Esztergom Castle
2014 Colourful culture - Day of the Hungarian culture: Artézi Gallery, Budapest
2014 GébArt International symposium: Synagogue Exhibition Hall, Zalaegerszeg
2014 Color Arts Festival, Zalaegerszeg
2013 International Art Month -Agnes Gazdag solo exhibition: Abu Dhabi Art Hub, Abu Dhabi, UAE
2013 Gazdag Agnes solo exhibition: Gönczi Gallery, Zalaegerszeg
2013 Young Art Hungary: MOYA Museum of Young Art, Vienna, Austria
2013 Advent charity exhibition: Rondella Gallery, National Museum, Esztergom Castle
2013 Fischer scholarship exhibition: Zalaegerszeg
2013 Gébart XXII. international workshop and symposium: Zalaegerszeg
2012 Wild Pet - Agnes Gazdag solo exhibition: Kaleidoszkóp House, Esztergom
2012 Gazdag Agnes solo exhibition: Random point, Budapest
2012 Art Placc -Contemporary Art Festival: Inda Gallery, Tihany
2012 Art for Esztergom: Rondella Gallery, National Museum, Esztergom Castle
2012 Lowbrow: Szatyor Gallery, Budapest
2012 Please hang it VI.! Theater Weöres Sándor, Szombathely
2011 Forest - Agnes Gazdag solo exhibition: Portfolio points, Budapest
2011 Castro Gallery Ephemeral, Budapest
2011 Plein Art - Agnes Gazdag solo exhibition: Jaffa Gallery Ephemeral, Budapest
2011 Hungarian contemporary artist: Paola Meliga Gallery, Turin, Italy
2011 Wild West: Art House - Csikász Gallery, Veszprém
2011 Sale: Stoll'Art Gallery, Budapest
2011 Eyes wide open: Stoll'Art Gallery, Budapest
2010 Gazdag Agnes solo exhibition: Erlin Gallery, Budapest
2010 Art Moments Agnes Gazdag solo exhibition: Rertock Deluxe, Budapest
2010 Pan's Labyrinth: Polis Caffé Culturale, Budapest
2010 Picnic: Boulevard és Brezsnyev Gallery - Holdudvar Gallery, Budapest
2010 Pink Code: MissionArt Gallery, Budapest
2010 Progress: Szinkron Design Gallery, Zalaegerszeg
2010 Plastic Fantastic: Ferenczi Auction house and Gallery, Budapest
2010 New body: Cultural Center Óbuda, Godot Gallery, Budapest
2010 International Painter Symposium: City hall Halbenrain, Austria
2009 Don't be afraid Bunny! Agnes Gazdag solo exhibition: Ferenczi Auction House and Gallery, Budapest
2009 Agnes Gazdag solo exhibition: Szinkron Design Gallery, Zalaegerszeg
2009 Furry Hoods: Boulevard és Brezsnyev Gallery, Budapest
2009 ART FAIR: Műcsarnok-Kunsthalle, Missionart Gallery, Budapest
2009 New Age: Exhibition and concert hall, Zalaegerszeg
2009 Teleportation: Picant Gallery - Boulevard és Brezsnyev Gallery, Kassel, Germany
2009 Hacking the Documenta: Picant Gallery - Boulevard és Brezsnyev Gallery, Karlshospital, Kassel, Germany
2009 Stand up, Laci! Műcsarnok- Kunsthalle, Budapest
2008 Puppets - Agnes Gazdag solo exhibition: Instant Gallery, Budapest
2008 Plein Art - Agnes Gazdag solo exhibition: Pink Cadillac Gallery Ephemeral – Erlin Gallery, Budapest
2008 RH+: Lumen Gallery, Budapest
2008 New vintage: Octogonart Gallery, Budapest
2008 Globe Festival: Szigliget Theater, Szolnok
2007 May of Museums: Hungarian National Museum, Budapest
2007 Christmas Salon: Körzőgyár, Octogonart - Várfok Gallery, Budapest
2007 POSZT Festival: Közelítés Gallery, Pécs
2006 Art Scholarship exhibition: Kölcsey Gallery, Zalaegerszeg
2006 Touches of the Renaissance: Viva Florence Hotel, Florence, Italy
2005 Portraits - Agnes Gazdag solo exhibition: Vajda Lajos Gallery, Zalaegerszeg
2005 Light-painting installations: Matáv hall, Budapest
1998 Agnes Gazdag solo exhibition, Ady Gallery, Zalaegerszeg
2014 Secco mural painting, Hortus Niger Summer Academy, Halbenrain, Austria
2013 Abu Dhabi Art Hub, Abu Dhabi, UAE - Artist residency
2010 Zala county young artist award, Zalaegerszeg
2009 Diploma Award by Pannoncolor, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest
2009 Boulevard és Brezsnyev Gallery Foundation Art Award, Budapest
2008 Ex Tempore - Hortus Niger Summer Academy, Halbenrain, Austria
2004 Erasmus Scholarship France, Le Mans École Superieure des Beaux Arts
2004 National Cultural Foundation Art Scholarship, Budapest
2004 Touches of the Renaissance: I. price Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence
2003-2006 Art Scholarship, Zalaegerszeg
2002 Bursar-ship of Zala County, Zalaegerszeg
2000 Painter faculty price awarded by Pannoncolor, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest
1998 Zala county Drawing Competition I. price, Zalaegerszeg